Today I glanced out the window when I heard the recycling truck making its way around the neighborhood. The company collects the recycling every other week, and we are always overflowing. I am always so happy to see all of it go. Some months ago I asked the company, County Waste, for an extra recycle bin, and we always fill both plus and extra card board box or two.
So today, I see two trucks. One is collecting the recycling, the other is taking the blue bins away, and replacing them with a trash can sized recycle bin. Very cool. It'll be much easier to move one large bin back and forth. I had been using the kids' wagon to transport the recycling to the end of the driveway. The new bin came with paperwork. (Unfortunately, the paperwork was tucked inside a large plastic sleeve, steps!!) This is the exciting part. The company will now be accepting a whole lot more than it has been. I am thrilled. To date we have not been able to recycle junk mail, and we thrown tons and tons of it away. I was seriously considering asking the post office if I could bring our junk mail to the local office, as they have bins there. They will now accept junk mail, envelopes, copy paper (yahoo!) , plastic containers #1-7 (yippeeyippee!!!) and lots of other stuff. I am SO happy about all of this. Oh, and they will be collecting recycling every week, and it all goes into one container! All good things. =) Now if we only had curb side compost pick up!!!
How to: sew a bento bag
6 years ago
I have been driven crazy by the recycling situation here. I drive all over town to recycle stuff (Weibel, the grocery store, the Waldorf school) and it gives me hope that you got that big bin. I think I may have to switch from SPringer to County Waste because I am spending way too much time sorting and depositing recycling. I fear that the people who are less obsessive about it than I am just chuck everything in the trash due to sheer frustration and confusion about the recycling rules.